Lowenstein Sandler represented TurbineOne Inc., a leader in government Machine Learning (ML) that is simple-to-use and edge-first, in its $15 million Series A funding round. The round was led by Bessemer Venture Partners with participation from previous investors The General Partnership and XYZ Ventures. Pallas Ventures, a national security focused investment firm, also joined this round.

The venture funding will be used to accelerate TurbineOne’s rapidly growing business in national security markets as the Defense Department adopts ML solutions to sort through the fog and friction of the modern battlefield. While today’s warfighters are overwhelmed with processing data from diverse hardware and sensors, TurbineOne’s Frontline Perception System (FPS) cuts through the noise to quickly unlock data insights by automating threat recognition and cueing alerts for decision-makers using cutting-edge ML. The software refines raw data feeds through user-friendly software that warfighters can operate themselves, including in battlefield conditions where connectivity, bandwidth, and access to the cloud is hazardous and limited.

Since TurbineOne’s founding in 2022, the Frontline Perception System (FPS) has successfully operated on U.S. military autonomous systems and in tactical operations centers where analysts are overwhelmed by sensor feeds from non-interoperable hardware systems. Applying ML solutions to quickly process and exploit the flood of data ensures the operators do not miss critical intelligence elements of information.

TurbineOne designs its software to seamlessly work with a wide range of other systems such as those from large defense contractors and ML-focused developers. Additionally, it is data-agnostic, processing and integrating data from every human-understandable source, making it highly adaptable and efficient in all operating environments.

The Lowenstein team included Carl J. Hessler, Christian C. Contardo, Tina Aoun, Sean Campbell, Henry Xu, and Chynara Tolubaeva.