How does your business minimize its risk and liabilities in contractual relationships with vendors, contractors, and others? Your contracts may contain “additional insured” provisions that protect your business under another organization’s general liability insurance policy. You might even be engaged in such an arrangement. But do you know enough to make sure your interests are protected?
Join the lawyers from Lowenstein Sandler’s Insurance Recovery practice and a broker from Lockton Companies who work closely with these issues to gain answers to these and other questions as we explore how to identify, minimize, and avoid additional insured coverage risks.
Attend this session to learn about these and other issues:
- The relationship between contractual indemnification provisions and insurance.
- How to preserve coverage in the event of claims or potential claims.
- The rights of the additional insured vis-a-vis the named insured.
- Scope of coverage under additional insured provisions.
- Commonly asserted coverage defenses to additional insured coverage.
- Recent and relevant court decisions.
- How to spot narrow policy language.
- Andrew Reidy, Partner, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
- Courtney E. Alvarez, Counsel, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
- Jenna Kirkpatrick Howard, Vice President, Producer, Lockton Companies
This webinar takes place 2-3 p.m.
NOTE: We have developed a brief survey to understand your company’s additional insured practices. We would appreciate your response and will share key findings during the webinar. Please copy and paste this link into your browser for the survey: