There may be times when an attorney receives unsolicited communications that contain privileged or otherwise confidential information. The communications may be from an anonymous source who could be a whistleblower or “concerned citizen.” What should the attorney who receives such communications do? This Briefing will examine the nature of unsolicited communications and what ethical or other obligations govern the receiving attorney’s response.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • The nature of unsolicited communications and why these might be sent
  • Private or State action when communication is made to law enforcement
  • Ethics rules and opinions on unsolicited communications
  • What the receiving attorney should do and should not do


Kathleen McGee, Partner, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
Ronald J. Hedges, Dentons US LLP
Elizabeth Roper, Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau, New York County District Attorney’s Office
David C. Shonka, Redgrave LLP

Time: 1-2 p.m. ET

*This event is open to the public but requires a registration fee.