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Lowenstein Sandler LLP | The contents of this website contain attorney advertising. | Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Image of Christopher  Longstreth

Christopher Longstreth

Director of Infrastructure

As Director of Infrastructure, Chris manages the team responsible for providing a stable server and network operating environment to the firm, as well assuring reliable connectivity between all offices and internal and public IT services.

With over 23 years in IT and 20 years at LS in systems and network administration, Chris has guided the firm’s infrastructure through several major upgrades, and continues to deploy modern technologies to ensure all Lowenstein employees have a flexible and reliable working environment for responding to client needs. Working across all of the firm’s legal and business departments, Chris oversees the day-to-day operations of the firm's server, network and VoIP infrastructure, as well as new technology recommendations.

Chris studied electrical engineering and physics at Penn State University.