This webinar, featuring Lowenstein's Robert A. Johnston Jr., will provide a survey of the key 2022 anti-corruption developments across the Americas and provide predictions for what to expect in 2023.

Subject matter experts from jurisdictions across North and South America will provide you with what you need to know as you conduct cross-border business in the Americas: highlighting areas of increased regulatory scrutiny, discussing enforcement trends against local and foreign companies, and suggesting compliance best practices.


  • Robert A. Johnston Jr., Partner, Lowenstein Sandler LLP
  • Javier Fernandez Verstegen, Brons y Salas, Argentina-Buenos Aires
  • Guilherme Traub, Motta Fernandes, Brazil-Sao Paulo
  • Jamieson Virgin, McMillan, Canada-Vancouver
  • Ivan Szymanski, Santamarina y Steta, Mexico-Mexico City
  • Maycar Mejía, ALBURQUERQUE Abogados, Consultores - Dominican Republic

Time: 10 a.m. ET